Hello today something strange occurred when I was migrating some data.

This is what happen (test case):

  1. Logged in successfully on DirectAdmin with user level privileges by visiting the following URL: <host>:<port>/CMD_DB?DOMAIN=<domain>
  2. Logged in successfully on PhpMyAdmin with the database username and its password on the following URL: <host>/phpmyadmin
  3. At the DirectAdmin page at the "Upload a Database Backup" section, I selected the database where I just logged into on PhpMyAdmin, my .gz backup file and specified the username and password which should be the same as the credentials I used for PhpMyAdmin.
  4. After submitting the page shows a well known broken pipe message: Unable to restore database <database_name> : ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user '<database_username>'@'localhost' (using password: YES) gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
  5. Now I logged out from PhpMyAdmin and tried to log in again with the same credentials, but unfortunately PhpMyAdmin now basically says the same as the broken pipe message.
  6. Modifying the password for the database user does give you back your access to PhpMyAdmin but after uploading a database backup you have to reset it again.

Unfortunately I currently don't have the authorization to give more information about this DirectAdmin installation (only got user level access) as it might be a plugin that causes this bug. However I still recommend someone else to test it on their installation.